The single best solution for your workplace health

Custom solutions for your workplace.

We visit 1-5 days a week, minimum 4 hours a visit.

Help with everything physiotherapy and everything coaching.

One off events are also possible.

  • Dream it.

    It all begins with an idea. Could we do something to get less sick days and at the same time make the company a more attractive place to work. Improving access to physical therapy, Training programs and coaching. Get healthier happier employees in the process.

  • Build it.

    FSP will help you find the right solution for your workplace. Simply choose how many hours and what frequency visits should be.

    book your first meeting today.

  • Grow it.

    When we lauch at your workplace FSP will help spread the word about our services. And employees quickly see the benefits of having a Physiotherapist visit their workplace.

  • Sell it.

    Its money well spend to have on site therapy. Less sick days, and a sense of connection to the workplace thats is othervise hard to establish. With FSP there is the added benefit of us being experienced coaches, with a dedicated app with training plans for your employees.